Saturday, December 18, 2010

Something to Think About!

I'm finally diving into Glenn Beck's "Arguing With Idiots," and finding it to be a great reminder of what our country is facing today.

Here are a few tid bits to get you thinking:

"The kind of capitalism that has failed is "soulless capitalism," because success without compassion results in greed and excess - and we have plenty of both. But that soullessness didn't come out of nowhere, it was bred by a government that continually tries to step in to do the jobs that individual Americans should be responsible for."

"Any economic system will inevitably fail if individuals stop caring about the welfare of others. But which economic system is more likely to drive people out of poverty, one that cherishes the slogan "from rags to riches" or one that aims to help the poor via government bureaucracy?"

"You Know You're Turning Socialist When...

Sweden, a country internationally known for its cradle-to-grave social programs (free health care, free education, up to 80 percent of your pay for unemployment compensation - and massive tax rates), refuses to do something our government already has: bail out automakers. Responding to the difficult situation their car company, Saab, found itself in, the Swedish enterprise minister said, "The Swedish state is not prepared to own car factories."
